
Decluttering & Reorganizing Services in the South Bay

Natalia specializes in simplifying and streamlining living and work spaces by applying practicality and aesthetics to any situation. She has over 15 years of professional experience and is a proud member of the National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals. Services are provided in the South Bay and surrounding areas.

Organizing Techniques & Principles of Organization

Circuit Living TM

This technique, originated by Natalia, creates and maintains more space by rotating key objects that share a designated spot when not in use. This is ideal for people who work from home and would like a change of scenery that can be applied within minutes.

Natalia Sorts – Professional Organizing

Topical Order

It is a catchall pattern. It refers to an organization that emerges from a topic or item. For example, all desk supplies would be stored in one drawer, or all stationery designated to a single drawer.

Natalia Sorts – Professional Organizing
Natalia Sorts – Professional Organizing

Chronological or Time Order

Items, events, or even ideas are arranged in the order in which they occur. This pattern is marked by such transitions as next, then, the following. This principle can apply to filing and organizing documents and paperwork.

Natalia Sorts – Professional Organizing
Natalia Sorts – Professional Organizing

Climactic Order or Order of Importance

In this pattern, items are arranged from least important to most important. Typical transitions would include having the most important or most used items placed in easily accessible places and unimportant or least used things stored away, recycled, or discarded.

Natalia Sorts – Professional Organizing
Natalia Sorts – Professional Organizing
